Pilgrim, one who strives to obtain salvation of their soul through a physical journey in which caritas, love for God; and not cupiditas, love for material things, drives them.
Pilgrimage, the journey to a distant sacred goal; it is found in all the great religions of the world. It is a journey both outwards to hallowed places and inwards to spiritual improvement; it can express penance for past evils, or the search for future good; the pilgrim may pursue spiritual ecstasy in the sacred sites of a particular faith, or seek a miracle through the medium of God or a saint. Throughout the world, pilgrims move invisibly in huge numbers among the tourists of today, indistinguishable from them except in purpose.
Pilgrims Progress, an attempt to correlate and catalogue pilgrimage information and provide links to pilgrimage sites and shrines. Please enjoy your cyber-pilgrimage and take refuge in the holy places and the hospitality of God.
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